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"Cultivating Resilience from Trauma and Burn-out"


Professionals give tremendously high amounts of energy, both physical and mental, to the people they serve. They often are not given opportunities to process or heal from their work’s emotional toll, including personal and professional traumatic experiences and daily challenges. Recognizing that each group of professionals has their own challenges and needs, we partner with client organizations to provide Comskil’s Bounce Back programs. We design and facilitate custom programs that effectively address each clients distinct requirements.


Key attributes of the Bounce Back programs are:


  • Combines coaching and classes for maximum growth and development.

  • Addresses and targets the stress that can result in trauma.

  • Cultivates a culture of resilience.

  • Fosters individual growth opportunities.

  • Propels organizational success.

  • Clients return to their career revitalized, engaged and motivated.



“Comskils’ trauma informed work is exceptional. The return on investment for a healthier and more productive workplace is priceless.”

Town Fire Chief, Massachusetts


Bounce Back Coaching


Comskil offers specialized coaching for individuals who have experienced overwhelming stress that may result in burnout and potential trauma. This profound form of coaching by certified Trauma-Informed and International Coaching Federation Credentialed Coaches helps clients heal and build resilience while honoring their unique experiences and perspectives. Bounce Back coaches create a compassionate, respectful environment that includes sensitivity to activators and the avoidance of assumptions. We partner with our clients to explore different types of trauma and stressors and their subsequent symptoms, the behavioral reactions they evoke, the benefits of emotional regulation, and the brain-body connection. This work empowers clients to take the lead in creating goals and setting the pace for the coaching work. Through the Bounce Back coaching process, clients explore and begin practicing methods to help regulate their nervous system, deepen their ability to manage their emotions, discard shame and guilt, and support their own wellness.

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Bounce Back Training


Comskil’s Bounce Back highly praised interactive training classes allow participants the opportunity to gain relevant knowledge and information, begin practicing proven techniques that address common aspects of stress, and reflect on their experiences in a safe environment. To complement and reinforce the concepts introduced through the coaching work, interactive activities are included in our Bounce Back integrated programs. These activities foster habit formation and deepen self-realization and healing. Click here for some of our classes that focus on resilience, trauma, and burn-out.


                                      = Coaching + Training


The integration of Bounce Back Coaching with Bounce Back Training offers a comprehensive approach to personal and professional development, synergizing a focus on individualized growth within a larger framework and organization. This integration fosters lasting personal growth and professional success.  Contact us to learn more about our integrated Bounce Back programs that cultivate and nurture resilience and well-being.




 Bounce Back Coaches and Instructors


Comskil has a roster of experienced Bounce Back coaches and instructors who show up for their clients with authenticity and compassion that allow clients to feel safe. Our coaches and instructors are highly experienced, certified, credentialed, and educated about the nature of trauma, its complexity, its effects on the brain and body, and how it manifests in a client's thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Comskil’s coaches guide our clients in recognizing and deepening their connection to their own strengths, resilience, and capacity for healing. Our coaches and instructors have also learned the proper channels for referral and the growing relationships between clinical professionals, therapists, and coaches. Please see our impressive roster of Bounce Back coaches and instructors below.


Caryn Corenblum, PCC,  J.D., L.C.S.W.



Sheridan Gates, PCC, CPQC, TICC



   Mara Ormond, PCC         


Bob Connor, ACC, TICC 

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Laurie Ellington, MCC, MA, LPC


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Galina Knopman, PCC, TICC



Christina Swartz, PCC      



Laura Phelps, PCC, TICC 

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Melonie Garrett, MCC, MSOD


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Jennifer Markarian, MCC


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   Anders K. Wennerstrom, PCC. MBA,TICC

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